Academic Teams
In addition to joining clubs, students, can try out for any number of our award-winning teams. The Rambam Debate, Mock Trial, Torah Bowl, College Bowl, Math, Chess, Acapella, Warrior Poets – the aptly named “Poe Pack,” Model Bais Din team, Model Congress team, and Robotics team are proven commodities that afford students the opportunity to compete, excel, and learn the values of teamwork and hard work.
One of our most noted teams, Robotics, continues to win awards in national and international competitions having captured the 1st Place Award at MIT on three separate occasions. Rambam’s Mock Trial team recently made it to the Nassau County Final Four and our Math team regularly has players ranked in the Top Ten in the New York State Math Competitions. Members of Rambam’s Debate, Warrior Poetry, and College Bowl teams have earned Citations for Excellence and the Acapella group, The Harmonidies, has received over 75,000 views on YouTube for their music videos. Additionally, Rambam hosts Annual Debate and Poetry Tournaments and is the only school to host inter-school College Bowl and Chess Tournaments.